Bone Pain - Localized and piercing
Cutaneous Pain - Localized pain of short duration
Deep Somatic Pain - Dull or aching but localized
Ligament Pain - Usually swelling, heat and or redness
Muscle Pain - Dull, aching and usually referred
Nerve Pain - Tingling, referrals and numbness
Surface Somatic Pain - Sharper and may have a burning or pricking quality
Tendon Pain - Pain upon movement
Vascular Pain - Poorly localized, aching and referred
Visceral Pain - Poorly localized and is usually described as pressure-like and deep squeezing
Caused by injury to the skin or superficial tissues. Cutaneous nociceptors terminate just below the skin, and due to the high concentration of nerve endings, produce a well-defined, localised pain of short duration. Example injuries that produce cutaneous pain include paper cuts, minor (first degree) burns and lacerations.
The "trademark" indicator of somatic pain is that you can localize or "pin point" the pain usually with one finger. The patient will often describe the pain as an aching, gnawing feeling.
Pain from nerve injury isoften severe and is described as burning, tingling, with a hypersensitive and/or viselike quality. In general, if client reports shooting pains (usually down the entire length of a limb) during friction treatment, the problem could be an impinged nerve.
Note also that pain/numbness/weakness/tingling are often felt in relation to situations where a disc is pressing on a nerve.
The "trade mark" indicator is that you cannot "localize" the pain. Clients usually describe the pain as an ache or a pressure sensation or a "deep feeling.” Visceral pain is not well localized and is usually described as pressure-like, deep squeezing.