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Jeanier Rub Massager Red SPa Management National Massage Championship World Massage Championship
Welcome to MassageNerdI, _________________________, understand that the massage therapy given to me by ___________________ is for the purposes of stress reduction, pain reduction, relief from muscle tension, increasing circulation, or specific reasons noted here:

I understand that massage therapy does not diagnose illness or disease, or any other disorder, and that the massage therapist does not prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals, nor are spinal manipulations part of massage therapy.
I understand that massage therapy is not a substitute for medical examinations or medical care, and that it is recommended that I am concurrently working with my primary caregiver for any condition I may have.
I understand that I have the right to have any part of my body not massaged (Please let the therapist know).I have stated all my known physical conditions, medical conditions, and medications, and I will keep the massage therapist updated on any changes.

Client Signature_________________________________ Date___________________

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