Reduces stress
Enhances blood circulation
Decreases pain
Improves sleep
Reduces swelling
Enhances relaxation
Reduced level of anxiety
Increases oxygen capacity of the blood
Increases Hyperemia (dilation of blood vessels)
Reduces Ischemia (decrease blood supply to organ or tissue)
Blood pressure temporarily decreased
Decreases heart rate
Decreases respirations
Increase immune system
Improves appearance of skin
Helps reduce scar tissue
Stimulate or soothe the nerves
Release of endorphins (natural pain killer)
Stretches and broadens tissue
Helps decrease stress and depression
Relieves muscle tension
Increase oxygen and nutrients
Reduce muscle fatigue
Helps keep muscles flexible
Temporarily alters the shape of cellulite
Helps posture
Loosens phlegm
Increase output
Helps reduce the chance of a urinary tract infection
Helps most headaches
Helps over-use injuries
Helps strains and sprains
Helps nerve entrapment
Decreases gas build up
Helps with constipation
Helps digestion
Removes build up of metabolic waste
Greater ability to monitor stress signals
Increased awareness of the mind-body connection
Enhanced self-image
Greater ease of emotional expression
Satisfying the need for caring and nurturing touch
Increased capacity for clearer thinking
And many more…
Benefits of the systems of the body
Circulation -During massage, the amount of blood pumped to the heart is increased due to the expansion of the capillaries. This causes a temporary reduction in systolic, and diastolic blood pressure, as well as a slight increase in the heart rate.
Digestive System - One of the primary functions of the digestive system is to remove waste and toxins from the body. However, stress and poor eating habits can prohibit this system from working efficiently, resulting in indigestion, bloating, and constipation. Massage can improve the functions of the digestive system and relieve these symptoms by stimulating peristalsis, the spontaneous massage action of the intestines.
Emotions - The negative emotions we sometimes store inside can lead to tension in the muscles, which can be alleviated through the movements of massage. The counter pressure on the muscles dissipates tension, freeing it to be converted into energy.
Joints - Massage can soothe joint pain caused by injury, inflammation, and every day exertion by promoting increased blood flows to the affected areas.
Lungs - Breathing can be greatly improved through massage of the chest, shoulders, and back. Reducing tensions in these areas can assist in the removal of congestion from the lungs, aiding respiratory conditions.
Lymphatic System - The lymphatic system is a part of the body which helps fight infection. As such, its efficiency of operation plays a vital role in overall health. Through massage, congestion in the lymphatic system may be eased, improving this system's overall effectiveness, and strengthening the body's ability to fight infection.
Muscles - One of the most common reasons for getting a massage is relief of muscle tension. Massage releases built up tension from tight muscles, enabling them to once again work efficiently.
Nervous System - The nervous system assists in the regulation of all other systems of the body. Through massage the nervous system is calmed, allowing better communication with the organs, helping them to operate more effectively.
Skin - During massage, perspiration may be increased, thereby removing additional toxins from the body.