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Fibrous - Fibrous joints connect bones without allowing any movement. The bones of your skull and pelvis are held together by fibrous joints. The union of the spinous processes and vertebrae are fibrous joints.

Cartilaginous - Cartilaginous joints are joints in which the bones are attached by cartilage. These joints allow for only a little movement, such as in the spine or ribs.

Synovial - Synovial joints allow for much more movement than cartilaginous joints. Cavities between bones in synovial joints are filled with synovial fluid. This fluid helps lubricate and protect the bones. Bursa sacks contain* the synovial fluid.

Ball-and-Socket Joint - In this type of joint, the ball-shaped end of one bone fits into a cup shaped socket on the other bone allowing the widest range of motion including rotation. They act like the joystick on a computer (Shoulder and hip).
Hinge Joint - Hinges joint allows movements in a single plane. They are formed when a convex projection on one bone fits into a concave depression in another (Knee).
Pivot Joint - This joint is formed when rounded or conical surfaces of one bone fit into a ring of one or tendon allowing rotation. The pivot joining allows freedom of movement of somewhat between ball and socket & hinge joining (Wrist, ankle & neck).
Sliding Joint - This joint is formed when flat or slightly flat surfaces move against each other allowing sliding or twisting without any circular movement (The carpals in the wrist, the tarsals in the ankle and the vertebrae in the back).
Fixed Joints - These joints do not allow any movement and are extremely strong (Skull).

Synovial Joints

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